
"Like the significance of the notebook that can't fit another word, the show at the Lizard represents many things to the rising singer-songwriter with a sharp wit and articulate storytelling ability. 'So much of my social life centered in Somerville,' she reflects. 'Freshman year I had a job working in Starbucks in Davis Square, 40 hours a week. Most of my friends were co-workers and people I met at open-mic nights. The one at the Lizard was really great, the host ensures everyone is quiet and respectful. And people were taking me seriously.'"

 - Stephie Coplan, L.L.O.M.C. Performer


“Chaos in the midst of chaos isn't funny, but chaos in the midst of order is.” - Steve Martin

"Steve Martin could very well have been talking about the way Tom Bianchi calls the shots as Host every Monday at the Lizard Lounge Open Mic Challenge.   "An accomplished musician himself, Tom takes on a somewhat different roll every Monday by keeping the pace rolling along smoothly while doing it with such reckless (i.e., muppet-like) abandon that he leaves performers and listeners rolling in the aisles with laughter."

 - Nancy Scott,  Cambridge Common/Lizard Lounge Club